Friday, January 1, 2016
My New Year's Resolutions
Like many, I have the same resolutions to eat better, exercise more, and get in better shape every year. But this year I also decided to take the time to plan some professional resolutions as well:
(1) Read more. I do read quite a lot, but found that I have tapered off a little in
the latter months of this year. I attribute that to my job change. When I was
a page, I didn't have to make any special effort to select books to read; I
would read whatever caught my interest while I was shelving. Now that I'm
in Outreach, I have to take time to go into the library and choose something,
and I often don't think about it until after I've left. I need to make more of an
effort to check out something every week.
(2) Work on Reader's Advisory. This is the area I have the least confidence in.
Even though I read alot, there are still so many books out there I am not
familiar with. Working in youth services further complicates it because we
also have so many reading levels to consider, as well. I plan to start giving
myself assignments to put together reading lists to give myself more practice
in this area.
(3) Take at least one library science class. I have been thinking about this for awhile,
and started to, then changed my mind several times. Part of this is that I am
skeptical that I will really learn anything from a class that I don't already know
from work experience, and that I am very skeptical of online classes in general,
and I don't want to waste my money. But, if I ever decide I want a full-time
position, then I will need to have 6 credit hours of library science to get the
required state certification, so I just need to bite the bullet and hopefully I'll be
pleasantly surprised and actually get something out of it.
(4) Continue to develop and expand my storytime skills: use more non-fiction in
storytime, incorporate early literacy tips in storytime, continue to improve
existing storytime kits and develop 3 new ones, and get experience with,
or at least observe, storytimes and programs for ages other than preschool.
So these are my professional resolutions. What are yours?
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