
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Today At The Desk.....

Today, it was somewhat unpleasant working at the desk.  Not because of difficult patrons or anything like that, it was just miserably hot!  We've had an unseasonably warm spell this week, and our HVAC system just isn't able to respond very quickly, so it was still in winter mode.  Thankfully I had anticipated it and dressed for summer; some of my co-workers had to be on the verge of heatstroke in their long sleeves and sweaters!
It was not super busy, but the list of items that needed to be pulled and processed for holds and transfers was uncharacteristically HUGE!  It took at least an hour, maybe more, to get them all pulled and processed, and that was with my co-worker checking them in as I pulled!  At first I could not figure out why it was SO long; then I realized it most likely had to do with one of our branches being closed.  We are opening a brand new, larger branch to replace the oldest branch in the system, and the old building closed last week, but the new one won't be open until next week.  So I imagine many patrons that normally went to that branch are having to request materials from other branches.
After all that was done I had an interesting patron who wanted to see version of C. Clement Moore's "The Night Before Christmas", including parodies.  I found him several to look at, and he explained he wanted to write a parody of his own, based on lore of ancient Egypt, which was another interest of his.  He proceeded to tell me many interesting facts related to the original poem.
Then I had a chance to help a sweet older lady who needed help finding directions to a nursing facility where a friend of hers had been admitted.  The patron had impaired vision which she said made it difficult for her to use the computer.  So first I looked up the facility and made sure I had the right location and I pulled it up on Google maps and was able to zoom in enough for her to see it.  I pointed out the route and major roads and landmarks to help her get her bearings and be sure she understood where it was and what the nearest bus stop was.  Then I was able to print it out for her large enough that she could see it, and made sure that she understood and had all the information she needed.  She was very appreciative and I was glad I was able to help her.
And of course just as my shift was ending, the air conditioning finally kicked on.

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