My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I don't even know where to begin with reviewing this book.....it is powerful, well-written, well-researched, and will really make you question your own biases and views on education, hate crimes, and juvenile criminal justice. It is at times horrific and bleak, but in some ways hopeful, and reveals people showing amazing capacities for empathy and forgiveness. It is also terrifying.
This is the true story of a horrible crime that happened in Oakland in 2013, when one teenager lit the skirt of another teenager on fire as they slept while both were riding a transit bus home, resulting in horrific burns. Because the victim was perceived as a male (though self-identifies as agender) wearing a skirt, it was immediately assumed and reported to be a hate crime. But was it really? Did the 16-year old boy who committed the crime really deserve to be tried as an adult? Was he a hardened, homophobic criminal with no conscience and beyond saving? Or just an impulsive teenager, susceptible to peer pressure with poor judgment who did a very, very stupid, dangerous thing without conceiving of how disastrous the results would be?
I say it is terrifying because I am the parent of a very impulsive teenage boy, who has already gotten into trouble several times because of the lack of impulse control, inability to foresee consequences, and desire to show off for his friends. I live in constant fear that his immaturity and impulsivity will some day lead to him doing something similarly stupid, dangerous, and harmful that will end up with someone else hurt and him in jail before he (hopefully) matures and grows out of this behavior.
A must-read for all teens and parents of teens, but brings up issues all of society should think about.
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